1. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
Ooh this is a tough one. There are so many amazing Christmas movies. I think its between The Grinch, Home Alone (1st one obvs) and The Santa Clause movie.
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Morning?
Morning. Me and my brother still go and sit on my mum & dads bed to open our stockings and then we go downstairs together and my brother gets super impatient whilst my dad makes coffee before we open our main present.
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
My first Christmas at uni was awesome. We went all out. We had the tree up from like beginning of November and had a massive flat dinner with all the trimmings and christmas music playing all day.
We stayed in a premier inn last year because my dad was working (He works away) and opened our stockings on Christmas morning after an epic breakfast much to my brothers disgust. We then went for Christmas dinner in a fancy hotel so none of us had to cook or wash up. On boxing day when my dad wasn't working we went to the mall and got to choose our own main present in the sales. It was a pretty awesome Christmas.
4. Favourite festival food?
There is so much amazing food around at Christmas I cant even choose but chocolate oranges are epic although I've had to give up chocolate this year because it makes me feel too ill *cries*
5. Favourite Christmas gift?
I got a pony when I was younger and although technically I got her before Christmas it was the best christmas present ever. Also when my Grandad died he left his car to me which I didn't know and my Grandma gave it to me for Christmas which made me cry.
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
Mulled wine. My parents are mad for it so the house constantly smells like it in the lead up to Christmas.
7. What tops your tree?
It used to be a really hideous tinsel star thing but I think it finally got broken so on the look out for something pretty.
8. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Eat delicious food in front of a Christmas film with the fire lit (over heat and complain its too hot) and my brother normally tries to get us to go to bed stupidly early. You would have thought at 15 he'd have grown out of it by now
9. As a kid, what was one crazy present that you wished for, but never received?
I honestly can't actually think of anything. I must be pretty spoilt. I do have amazing parents though.
10. What's the best part of Christmas for you?
Spending time with my family, all the amazing food that comes out. For me the build up is always the best bit. I also love all the lights. Theyre so pretty.
I tag everyone who wants to give this a go and remember to send me the links to help me get in the Christmas mood
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