I am so sorry that my scheduling has gone to shit and I keep going like a week without posting. I had just started to get on top of things when I got hit by a massive flare as well as general busyness. My body is being a little bitch at the mo and fatigue is kicking my ass. Seriously I am so tired I struggle to form sentences and cry at stupid things. I will try my best to get more motivated and make scheduling my bitch but bear with me.
I thought today whilst I curl up in a ball in my pjs, with netflix and a latte I would share with you my fave stickers ever. If you don't follow Jemma on all the social medias you are missing out. She's a babe, with super cool hair and amazing creativity. She inspires me (a not very creative person) to be more creative every day.

I got two packs of her super adorable stickers because I couldn't choose just one. How amazzzing are the mermaids in wheelchairs. Jemma actually made my life when she showed me these. I think my favourites are the wheelchair mermaids, cupcake, camera and coffee cup. If you love cute, girly, colourful stickers then go check out her etsy and buy them all. I definitely need the self care and planner sticker packs in my life next.
You get loads in a packet (I didnt photograph all of them because lazy) and they are such good quality and so well drawn for such a good price. I'm just struggling with where to stick them now. Postage is also super quick and it arrives in the cutest envelopes ever.
My blog header was also done by Jemma and I've done a post on some of her other artwork that I have. If you are looking for a new header or button then I definitely recommend Jemma.
Where is your favourite place to get stickers?
I'm obsessed
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